30 things i have learnt in 30 years

Enjoy your tears as you enjoy your laughter

We grow up thinking that we must not cry because it makes us look weak, it is seen as a lack of self-control, and we come to think that crying is bad. I’m not a fan of crying in public because I think it’s a pretty intimate activity, but I’m a firm defender of crying once in a while in the privacy of your own home when you feel like it.

Wouldn’t it be stupid to prevent laughter when something is funny? Why wouldn’t I cry when something is sad? Maybe it’s a film, maybe it’s some news I’ve heard, maybe it’s a song, maybe there’s no trigger at all and I just feel sad, so I cry for as long as I need to and when I don’t feel like crying anymore I stop and I feel relaxed and refreshed just as I feel after a good laugh.